Substance Abuse
A 2-Day Workshop Series
Dates: April 16-17, 2025 Times: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Platform: Zoom Webinar
Continuing Education (CE): 5 Core Hours
Presenter: Dr. Lucy Cannon, LCSW, LICSW, CAADC, MATS
Registration Fees:
Member 1 Day: $75.00 | Non-Member 1 Day: $85.00 | Retired Member 1 Day: $55.00 | Student Member 1 Day (Valid School of SW ID Required): $10.00
Member 2 Day: $150.00 | Non-Member 2 Day: $170.00 | Retired Member 2 Day: $110.00 | Student Member 2 Day (Valid School of SW ID Required): $20.00

Day 1 - Topic: Best Practice Treatment Models for Methamphetamine Users
Brief Description:
“Almost 2.5 million people in the U.S. aged twelve or older say they use meth every year. That is almost 1% of the population. In general, people use it a little less often than other stimulants such as cocaine. But certain groups are more likely to use meth.” (Wiginton, 2023) Methamphetamine abuse in the U.S. may have tapered off years ago, but it is back, and it is wreaking havoc on the health and wellbeing of Americans everywhere.” “According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), meth is cheaper, more potent, and easier to get than before.” “Both urban and rural areas in states across the U.S. are being ravaged by meth and the problem has even been declared an epidemic in South Dakota. The meth problem has exploded in recent years, leaving no race or social class untouched.” This Workshop will address the following:
Learning Objectives:
To be familiar with the history of methamphetamine and why there is an increase in the use of this drug.
To be aware of meth statistics by age, race, and gender.
Participants will be able to cite examples of how methamphetamine impacts the body from a physical and psychological perspective. (Video)
To identify signs, symptoms, and stages of Methamphetamine use, abuse, and addiction.
To identify best practice assessment tools, treatment models, interventions, and resources.
Case Scenario Group activities
Day 2 - Topic: Opioid Use, Overdose and Suicide: Treatment Implications
Brief Description:
“Among people aged 12 or older in 2022, 3.2% (or 8.9 million people) misused opioids (heroin or prescription pain relievers) in the past year. Among the 8.9 million people who misused opioids in the past year, 8.5 million people misused prescription pain relievers compared with 1.0 million people who used heroin. These numbers include 587,000 people who both misused prescription pain relievers and used heroin in the past year.” (National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 2022).
Drug overdose deaths surged in the United States during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing by 30.6% in just 12 months. The synthetic opioid, fentanyl has and continues to have an enormous impact on overdose and death by suicide. “Fentanyl is often finding its way as an adulterant in other drugs like heroin and cocaine, and even as an ingredient in counterfeits of common opioid prescription pills such as Oxycontin.” (CDC, 2017). The number of overdose deaths continues to increase as evidenced by nearly 75% of the 91,799 drug overdose deaths in 2020 involving an opioid (CDC, 2020). There is a continuous need for wholistic treatment and community resources to meet the needs of users of opioids to include other ethnic groups.
Learning Objectives:
Review updates on opioid use, overdose, and suicide post Covid Pandemic.
Identify the 3 waves of opioid overdose deaths.
List 2 stages, signs and symptoms of opioids and prescription drugs addiction.
Identify 2 prevalence and socio-economic factors that contribute to use and misuse of opioids.
Learn 2 ways of defining the causes of death according to the National Center for Health statistics.
Identify 3 key factors that contribute to overdose and suicide during and after the Covid pandemic
Identify 2 ethnic groups and special interest groups that are heavy users of opioids.
Identify 2 best practice treatment models and resources that are most effective in treating individuals with opioids disorders.
Experiential Activities will consist of a quiz, case scenarios, video clips, and group activities related to treatment and resources. Look at ways to develop a therapeutic alliance. Stages of Opioid use and misuse factors that are contributing to an increase of opioid use in African American and Latino communities, and video clip/discussion.
Presenter Bio:
Lucy R. Cannon, Ed.D., LCSW, LICSW, CAADC
Dr. Lucy Cannon is the CEO/Owner of LEJ Behavioral Health Services, LLC, a training and consulting company in Metropolitan Atlanta. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in the states of Georgia and Alabama. . She has the following licenses and certifications: LCSW, LICSW, CCDP-D, and MATS. Dr. Cannon has been a clinician,
supervisor, director, and consultant of mental health and co-occurring disorders programs in inpatient and outpatient healthcare organizations and psychiatric hospitals in various states in the United States and Camp Zama, Japan. She is an Adjunct Professor at Clark Atlanta University School of Social Work. She is also a Facilitator/Speaker for the United States Navy Reserve Command. She is a trainer for various local and national healthcare organizations. She also serves on various healthcare organizations boards of directors and advisory boards.
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