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Collaboration Cafe Agenda
4:30 pm - Getting to know Your Rural Community (Intimately)
5:00 pm - Building a Viable Service Organization in a Rural                                Community
6:00 pm    Wrap Up & Evaluations


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South Regions Event 1 Sept 26 2024  (1).jpg

NASWGA South Region Collaboration Cafe

Date:      September 26, 2024
Time:      4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Location: Hope 1312 Collective
              3365 Cypress Mill Rd. Unit 9/10             
              Brunswick, GA 31520
CE's:       1.5 Core Hours

Host:      Marcyline Bailey, LCSW, ACSW, 
              NASWGA South Region Representative

Presenters: Ally Christianson, LCSW and Lynn Love,
                 Executive Director Communities in Schools of Glynn

**First Collaboration Cafe: 01 - Building a Viable Service Non-Profit in a Rural Community  

Hosting Collaboration Cafes/Objectives:
The Cafes offer social workers in the South Region opportunities to learn and practice the essential skills to build effective collaborations and long-lasting partnerships. In this workshop, participants will:    
  - Identify primary challenges and opportunities specific to establishing       service organizations in rural areas.     
  - Outline essential steps for conducting a community needs
     assessment to ensure the service non-profit's relevance and
  -  Discuss strategies for securing funding and resources in a rural
     context, including grants, donations, and partnerships.       
  -  Understand effective methods for volunteer recruitment,
      engagement, and retention in small communities.  
  -   Hear case studies of successful rural non-profits to glean applicable
      lessons and best practices.

Registration Fees
NASWGA Members: $15
Retired NASWGA Members:  $7.50
Non-Members: $25

Sep 26, 2024, 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
Hope 1312 Collective,
3365 Cypress Mill Rd Unit 9/10, Brunswick, GA 31520, USA

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